Step 2: Try the key features

Discover the three pillars of Tap My Back
Written by Claudia
Updated 1 year ago

Hello! 👋

Is your account created? Do you want to go through each step of the onboarding process? First, let's learn about our three Key Features!

Give a Tap

To give a tap is a way of sharing appreciation about someone's good work, in front of the rest of the company. 
You give it every time you think someone had a great performance or just the little things people do in the daily work life!

The recognition that people share, will always be driven by badges that would represent the values of your company.

  1. Click in Give a Tap;
  2. Choose the person or people you want to recognize;
  3. Choose the Badge - The value you are recognizing the person for;
  4. Write a brief description about why are you giving that recognition;
  5. Give a Tap!

Feedback Hub

With this feature you are able to create a feedback culture that drives self-improvement. There are two sides to this feature. You can:

  • Give Feedback
  • Request Feedback

You can give insights about your peers after a presentation or a project. You can also request that same feedback about yourself. This is a tool that promotes self-awareness about your workplace issues.  

Imagine that you want to give feedback:

  1. Click in Feedback Hub > Give Feedback > Give Feedback from scratch.
  2. Choose the person you want to give feedback to;
  3. Select the Skill Badges you want to rate ;
  4. Write a comment about the feedback;
  5. Send the feedback!

Now, what do you do if you want to request feedback from someone:

  1. Click in Feedback Hub > Request Feedback > Create Feedback Request from scratch.
  2. Choose who you want to request feedback from;
  3. Determine what do you want ask feedback about and the type of answer you want;
  4. Select a deadline for that request and if you want that feedback request to be recurrent;
  5. Send that feedback request!

There are several templates you can use if you need to address a specific situation. 

You can gather with your colleagues to see the effect of sending and receiving feedback. 😊

Pulse Surveys

If you want to feel the pulse of your organization then try the Pulse Survey feature. It helps you have a better perspective of how the workforce feels about their environment and their peers. You can use those insights to adjust certain workplace policies. 

How can you use them?

  1. Click in Pulse Surveys > Create a Survey;
  2. Choose who do you want to survey, either being a team, several people or just one employee;
  3. Determine the question you want to ask and the type of answer you deem most suitable;
  4. Name that Pulse survey;
  5. Determine the deadline of the survey and if it will be recurrent;
  6. Send the Pulse Survey!

It has a similar format to a feedback request. You have the option to choose from several templates already provided to best answer certain situations. 

And this is how you use the three key features!

Now let's go to the third step of our trial: How to customize your Tap My Back space! Creating badges, your branding and helping you taking advantage of Tap My Back of the key features.

Add your branding to your account on the next step here.

Have a great experience.
Let's go!


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