
Track and improve your employees mood with Tap My Back
Written by Claudia
Updated 2 years ago

Hey there! 👋

So you want to know more about our improved mood feature. Let's see how can you access the mood feature!

Mood Setup

Go to the pulse surveys and choose the mood option

You will see the option to activate or deactivate the mood feature at any point. 

Before you activate it, you have the option to set all answers as anonymous. You will be able to see and answer the mood question in your news feed.

Your answer can be anonymous if you set it up that way. You are able to choose between 6 different feelings.

Positive Feelings

  • Joyful
  • Peaceful
  • Powerful

Negative Feelings

  • Sad
  • Mad
  • Scared

When activated you will be able to see the answers your employees gave since the mood survey was started. Those answers provide you a better insight into how your employees were feeling during that time. 

Click the Analyse Answers to see those insights.

Mood Analysis

The first thing you will be able to set, in order to analyze data as you wish, is the period of time you wish to check. 

You can search to analyze specific teams or people, in order to check on how their mood evolved over time. You can also select if you want no look into the last month, quarter, or year of answers. 

You will be able to check the results either by day, week, or month. Select the option that best reflects your workplace environment. In that graph, you can see the percentage of positive and negative feelings for that specific period of time, if there were any answers in that period. 

In this graph, you can see what emotions were more prevalent in the answers your employees provided. It will also tell you how many users answered the mood. You can use this information to best adapt to how you approach your employees and if you need to change some aspects of your managing style. You should strive to ensure the mood stays generally positive.  


Hope this was helpful,
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