Management tool to know the engagement of the employees
Written by Claudia
Updated 2 years ago

Hello! 👋

The eNPS is a management tool that shows you the engagement of the employees with your company, over time.

How does eNPS work?

You need to go to the Pulse Survey section.

One of the templates available to you is the eNPS.

This feature works by asking each user the question: 

"How likely are you to recommend Tap My Back as a good place to work?"

  • This question will appear in the news feed of all the users.
  • As an Account Admin, you can choose who you want to send the eNPS to. You can filter by teams, people, or only to a specific person. 

The employees will have to choose at a rate from 0 to 10, the likeliness to recommend their company to other people. Being 10 the maximum.

  • Our software will automatically generate a score, which is the sum of answers of all employees according to our criteria of company engagement (click on the score to see the criteria);
  • You can either Stop the eNPS, or wait until all the users have answered, or until the end date arrives.
  • Looking at the analytics of the eNPS, you can track the evolution of engagement of your employees with the company over time.

How to analyse the data?

  1. Click in Analytics > Pulse Analytics
  2. Then you select the eNPS.
  3. Here you can see the evolution of scores you had in previous eNPS's, so you can track the evolution of engagement!

Let's do it? Start to measure your employee engagment with eNPS!

Hope this was helpful!

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