Create Teams

Organize your account by teams
Written by Claudia
Updated 2 years ago

Hello! 👋

The process of creating teams becomes really important when your company starts to have more users in Tap My Back. 

How to do it? 

  1. Click in Manage Account > Teams > New Team;
  2. You can brand your team, by putting a personalized name and picture. You can also set up a description of your team;
  3. Choose the people you want to add as users of the new team;
  4. Choose who you want as a Team Admin - You can choose one, or more people;
  5. Confirm! Now you have a new team created 😄

You can enable/disable this team whenever you want to. 

Team Admin

The team Admin has access to all the key features, plus to the Analytics (regarding the recognition and feedback) of his team, and plus the possibility of sending a Team Message to all his team members.

Let's try to create a team? Click here to do it.

Hope this was helpful,

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